
Tremors - Read Me

Web Masters and Site Designers no longer need programming or animation skills to have the hottest interactive website content! The TremorsTM CD contains a broad collection of over 250 high quality, low file-size ShockwaveTM animations, most of which are interactive and smaller than standard webpage graphics.

System Requirements

To run Tremors you need: an internet browser (Netscape NavigatorTM or Microsoft Internet ExplorerTM recommended) and Macromedia's ShockwaveTM browser plug-in.

  1. If you don't already have Macromedia's Shockwave Plug-in for Director, download it free from "" and follow the instructions to install it to you web browser's plug-in folder.
  2. To use Tremors, double-click on the "start.htm" icon. This will automatically open your internet browser and display the Tremors title page. Follow the on-screen instructions to add a Tremor to your site!
What are Tremors?

The Tremors CD is a collection of over 250 pre-made animations in Macromedia's Shockwave file format. These shockwave files are ready to be added instantly to your web page by cutting and pasting one line into your HTML.

Averaging 17KB in size, each Tremor has been designed to bring life, entertainment and the latest technology to websites. Simply by copying and pasting, each Tremor can be easily added to a website. Ideal for those who either lack the expertise or time to add animation and interactivity to their site, the Tremors CD is the easy answer to increasing a website's creativeness without the expense of sophisticated development tools or training.

How do I use Tremors?

The Tremors CD navigation tool is HTML based, which means that you use your internet browser to navigate through the collection. Tremors is compatible with Netscape's Navigator and Microsoft's Internet Explorer browsers. We have included in the "Extras" folder of the CD the installer for the Macromedia Shockwave Plug-in.

�1997 Ezone Corporation, Inc.
Ezone, Tremors and logos are trademarks of Ezone Corporation, Inc.
Macromedia and Shockwave are trademarks of Macromedia, Inc.
Netscape and Navigator are trademarks of Netscape Corporation, Inc.
Microsoft Internet Explorer is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation, Inc.
Updated March 14, 1997

TM and Copyright © 1997
ezone corporation. All rights reserved.